Little Ollie
I'm finally home after a hectic but awesome 11 days in Dubai and am slowly making my way through the hoards of editing I have to do.
So to kick it off here's little Ollie, the smiliest baby in town. I caught up with him and his parents in Safa park early on Friday morning, the park was totally empty with everyone preempting the scorching summer heat but the weather was suprisingly pretty kind to us… in the shade at least. We set up under a huge Ghaf tree (an indigenous tree to the UAE) and Ollie set to work cooing, laughing, working on his crawling and generally being as cute as can be!
I'm totally in love with this little family… I may be biased what with them being good friends of mine… but their relaxed approach to parenthood made the whole session super enjoyable for all of us xox
Labels: Dubai, Dubai Photographer, Family Photographer, Natural Light Photographer, UAE