This year has been one of the weirdest of my life so far. I've lived in three countries, in a total of 5 different homes, and gone from being unemployed and learning swedish, to running my own business in the UAE, to say its been unsettled is an understatement. But finally, as I sit down to write my review of the craziness that was 2014, from my pretty little office, in my new little home, with my scruffy dog at my feet, I can look ahead to an exciting, settled, and hopefully very successful 2015.
But where to start with this year…?
Well when my husband told me, back in April, that we were moving back to the UAE and that me and my little business would have to support us financially until we were settled, you might think that i'd have been furious, petrified even, but I was actually elated! I was totally confident that my amazing clients would support me and that I would do what ever it took to feed us and our beloved maisy dog… Of course in reality it wasn't quite as dramatic as that, my earnings merely meant us dipping into our savings less and hubby soon had work, but in my mind I was the bread winner and it was motivating.
*loving the motivational quotes on pinterest
My quest to become successful this year has motivated me beyond anything I've ever felt before, it inspired me to invest in a business mentor, to face up to my weird and wonderful demons by seeing a hypnotherapist, it motivated me to put myself and my business out there - which is quite a vulnerable place to be I can tell you, but none of this bothered or worried me because all of my focus was on 'becoming successful' (whatever that means). As it turns out putting my self out there led to more clients, forming great business relationships and even working on a shoot for barnardos (A-MAZING).

Aside from dinkyheart, I finally completed my degree in Psychology (after 7 years of studying), achieving a 2:1, at the beginning of the year I climbed the highest free standing mountain in the world, mount Kilimangaro, aaaand I not only survived, but loved camping at glastonbury festival, mud and all. I didn't quite achieve all of my 2014 resolutions though, I still can't play the Ukelele, unless you count one song as being able to play? And I'm still not fluent in swedish, although I pretty much gave that up when we left.
So this year I have learned that we, as women, as photographers, as people, can pretty much do anything we set our minds to! So I'm not a great Ukelele player but to be honest I never really expected to be, but I am running a business that has potential, and that is exactly what I had envisioned and expected, and even better than that, it's making me happy and fulfilled :)
Sooo whats next for 2015?
I will, of course work on my Uke, travel more (as always), spend more time relaxing with my amazing family, and this time learn Arabic, but my target motivational word for the year will again be success. I'm not sure how to measure success, money doesn't really motivate me, so I guess its more of a personal thing, but I will keep pushing on until I'm there, where ever there maybe! I have already signed up to the FPA shining Lights membership program, which I hope will challenge me and help me grow as a photographer, and I'm looking at different ways to expand my little business :)
So as I get ready to see in the new year I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my friends, family, clients and of course my amazing husband, from the bottom of my heart for your support this year.
Enjoy the last few hours of 2014 and I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year.
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